I am an American/Panamanian artist that has dedicated my life to the arts and all that that entails. If I have learned anything in my 25 yrs of being an artist it is that I cannot fit 25yrs of 18hrs a day of experiences, skillsets, clientele, personal flare and belief systems into this tiny screen you are now viewing. I am both saddened and frustrated at this fact and I do hope you understand that, to try and squeeze my work into this simple pixel format is both inadequate and slightly insulting.
If you are here, you must have seen my work or heard of me or we have actually met. So give me a call or shoot me message – US +1 646.265.6097 PAN +507 6936.4930 And lets talk or chat like humans. Lets talk about art, design, creation or just life and how we can live artistically and in beauty. I really do hope you have a great day 🙂